Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Energy +

Energy plus, that is what my step father used to say to me whenever my ass was dragging the night after partying.  Now, I just have energy plus!

Two weeks with no breads, no pasta, no rice, no dairy (except a wee bit of cream in my coffee), no beans, no soda, no sweets (not even a cookie), and no beer (well, one night I had a couple).  That is major for me.  I am a coke-a-day girl and love my chocolate.  Hey!  I started this the day before Valentine's Day and the chocolate hearts are still in their wrappers in my desk drawer.  Untouched.

As I posted previously, I've been all over the map since starting this way of eating (it's not really a diet...).  And I'm still having major cravings, which can make me cranky, but the last couple of days I've noticed that I have a lot more energy during the day, even if I've only had a little sleep.

Now, if I could just turn that energy into motivation to go to the gym.

It's funny, because I was going to blog (fancy name for a diary, isn't it?) yesterday and talk about what a struggle this is.  Which it is.  I was in line at lunch and headed for the pita pit (yummy sandwiches on pita bread) or for the breaded coconut chicken.  There was NOTHING that was paleo in that cafeteria, except salad, and salad is booooooooring.  So, I was headed for the good stuff.  Then this really in shape guy asked me what was where.  I replied and he headed for the salad.  Made me feel guilty, so back to the garden I went.  My husband says he has no cravings.  Show off.

Tonight I made up for it though.  I made some chicken with coconut and almond meal "breading"and baked it in the oven with some garlic, lemon slices and a small amount of chicken broth.  Yummy!  This paleo thing might not be so bad after all.

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