Sunday, February 24, 2013

Not even Whole14, yet...

Last week (on 2/13/13) my husband (Todd) and I started the paleo diet.  Man has it been a roller coaster.  Some days I've been exhausted.  Others, totally irritable.  But the last couple have been the worst.  The cravings have been so bad I'm afraid I'd commit murder for an Oreo.  I was in the grocery store on Thursday and as soon as you walked in the door they had double stuffed Oreos displayed.  I almost lost my mind.  I had visions of jumping into the display, tearing the packages open, and eating every last one of them (starting with the cream in the middle, of course).

Before I could follow the dream, my husband came through the door and we headed off to the produce section.  We got our fruits and veggies and got out of there.  Whew, that was a close one.  He probably saved me from being arrested and thrown into a straight jacket.  But, it's two days later and I still can't stop thinking about those damn Oreos.

From what I've read, and that isn't much, this is normal the first couple of weeks (Check out:  The first few days are supposed to be filled with, well, pretty much feeling like shit.  Imagine waking up the morning after going out for dinner and a glass of wine, but winding up spending the evening doing shots on an empty stomach.  The headache, oh man, the headache!  Will someone please shoot me now?!  

But wait, after a few days of that I felt GREAT!  Except I wanted to kill everyone.  Everyone got on my nerves, but happy, morning people were the worst.  While they sang good morning with a big, cheesy grin on their faces I was daydreaming about removing tongues with a sharp instrument.

Fortunately, that only lasted a couple of days.  Personally, I'd rather be a hateful bitch that feel like I have narcolepsy.  Yes, that's the next phase.  Or, at least, MY next phase.  I just started a new job and can't afford to fall asleep at my desk, thank you very much.  I'm still struggling with this phase a bit, but am already transitioning into the next phase.  

That is the, "give me a flippin' Oreo!!!" phase.  Seriously, this is the worst.  It feels as though I'll die if I don't get an Oreo.  My body NEEDS one.  No, reeeeally, it does!  If cravings are this bad, your body must be lacking something it needs, right?  WRONG.  I don't really need an Oreo, but my body wants that sugar fix.  I just hope this phase ends soon, because my will power has just about reached it's limits.  

Until then, I'll continue to read, "It Starts With Food" in an effort to keep myself on track.  And wouldn't you know, I get to the next part of the chapter and they start talking about...yes, you guessed it...OREOS!

Side note.  I say I'm trying the paleo diet, but it really is more like the Whole30.  Mostly organic meats, veggies and fruits.  Nothing processed and no grains or dairy (except that wee bit of cream in my coffee).  I haven't even had peanut butter.  Oh dang.  I think I just created another craving.

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